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Our Privacy Policy

Last Updated: Jun 4, 2024

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Who we are

Thefollowing privacy policy (“Policy”) governs how State and Liberty ClothingCompany LLC (“State and Liberty Clothing”, “we”, “us” and “our”) treatsinformation that it collects and receives from you when you access and use ourwebsite at and any company information, servicesand proprietary content, links, search capabilities and other Internetresources provided by us, our affiliates and third parties. This Policy appliesto all our activities, including, but not limited to our brands' websites, andall other websites, mobile sites, services, applications, platforms and toolswhere this Policy appears or is linked (collectively, our "Website").

ThisPolicy is to inform you about how we collect, use, share, and protect PersonalInformation. Please take a minute to read this Policy so that you can betterunderstand our Website information practices. Any reference to our Websiteincludes its e-mail, text, live chat, and other electronic messages. If youhave questions about this Policy, please contact us as described below.

Byproviding information to us (by any means, whether in correspondence, via ourWebsite or otherwise) you consent to our use of the information you provide inaccordance with this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy or ourpractices, you may not use our Website. This Policy may change from time totime and your continued use of our Website constitutes your acceptance of thosechanges. We encourage you to review this Policy periodically.

Text Messaging

You may elect to receive textmessages from us. When you sign up to receive text messages, we will send youinformation about promotional offers and more. These messages may useinformation automatically collected based on your actions while on our Websitesand may prompt messaging such as cart abandon messages (IE Cookies). To theextent you voluntarily opt to have Text notifications sent directly to yourmobile phone, we receive and store the information you provide, including yourtelephone number or when you read a text message. You may opt out of receivingtext messages at any time by texting “STOP”to our text messages. For more information about text messages, see our Terms andConditions.

Third Party Sites

ThisWebsite may provide links to other websites or resources for your convenience.We have selected these resources as having some value and pertinence, but theirdevelopment and maintenance are not under our direction. Thus, the content,accuracy, and suitability of information contained therein, opinions expressedtherein, and other links provided by these resources are neither monitored norreviewed by us. 

Thesewebsites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-partytracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, includingtracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account andare logged in to that website.

Youacknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the availability of suchexternal websites or embedded content, or resources, and we are not responsibleor liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on oravailable from such websites or resources and shall not be liable, directly orindirectly, for any damage or loss caused by the use of any such externalwebsites, content, product, or materials. You access, use, and rely upon suchexternal websites content, products, or materials at your own risk. We are notresponsible for the privacy practices of other websites.


OurWebsite is not directed to children, and you may not use our Website if you areunder the age of 18. If you are under 18, do not access the Website, or provideany information about yourself including, without limitation, your name,address, email address or any screen name or user name you may use. If we learnthat we have collected or received Personal Information from a child under 13without verification of parental consent, in compliance with the Children’sOnline Privacy Protection Act, we will purge such information from our databaseand cancel the corresponding accounts. If you believe that we may have anyinformation from or about a child under 13, please see our “How to contactus” Section.

Promotional Communications

If you have opted-in toreceive our e-mail newsletter, we may send you periodic e-mails about ourproducts, including exclusive offers, promotions or new products. We have alegitimate interest in processing your Personal Information for promotionalpurposes (see above “How and why we useyour Personal Information”).

We will always treat your PersonalInformation with the utmost respect and never sell or share it with otherorganizations outside State and LibertyClothing for marketing purposes.

If you would no longer liketo receive promotional e-mail from us, please refer to the "How can you opt-out, remove or modifyinformation you have provided to us?" Section below. If you have notopted-in to receive e-mail newsletters, you will not receive these e-mails.Visitors who register or participate in other Website features such asmarketing programs and 'members-only' content will be given a choice whether theywould like to be on our e-mail list and receive e-mail communications from us.

How do we protect visitorinformation?

We implement a variety ofsecurity measures to maintain the safety of your Personal Information. Your PersonalInformation is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by alimited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems, andare required to keep the information confidential. When you place orders oraccess your Personal Information, we offer the use of a secure server. Allsensitive/credit information you supply is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer(SSL) technology and then encrypted into our databases to be only accessed asstated above.

If you receive an e-mail thatlooks like it is from us asking you for your Personal Information, do notrespond. We will never request your password, username, credit cardinformation, or other Personal Information through e-mail.

While we strive to safeguardyour Personal Information, due to many reasons, including the inherent securityflaws in the internet, we cannot guarantee the security of any information youdisclose or transmit to us and, as such, you agree that your disclosure of suchinformation is at your own risk.

How and why we use yourPersonal Information?

We may use the information wecollect from you when you register, purchase products, enter a contest orpromotion, respond to a survey or marketing communication, surf the website, oruse certain other Website features in the following ways:

  • To personalize your Website experience and to allow us to deliver thetype of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
  • To allow us to better service you in responding to your customer servicerequests.
  • To quickly process your transactions and for the performance of ourcontract with you (or to take steps at your request before entering into acontract), including updating and enhancing our customer records and providingour products and services, .
  • To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other Website features.
  • To comply with our legal obligations including when we conduct checks toidentify our customers and verify their identity.
  • For our or a third party’s legitimate interests including:
    • to prevent and detect fraudagainst you or
    • toensure business policies are adhered to;
    • foroperational reasons such as improving efficiency, training and quality control;
    • toensure the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information;
    • forstatistical analysis to help us manage our business;
    • toprevent unauthorized access and modification to a system; and
    • formarketing our products (and those of selected third parties) to existing andformer customers, third parties who have previously expressed an interest inour services, and third parties with whom we have had no previous dealings.
  • Where you have given consent.

A legitimate interest is whenwe have a business or commercial reason to use your information, so long asthis is not overridden by your own rights and interests.

Modifications to this Policy

ThisPolicy was published on the “Last Updated” above.

We reserve theright to change this Policy at any time. Changes to this Policy will be made byupdating this page. Please visit this Policy regularly to read the currentversion.

We collect the personal information you provide to us when you purchase our products or visit our website. The categories of information we may collect include:

  • Personal Identifiers, including name, email address, postal address, telephone number, military ID number, and online Identifiers
  • Internet Activity
  • Commercial Information, including purchases
  • Financial Information, including credit or debit card number and account security or access credentials
  • Location Information, including precise geolocation
  • Physical and Audio Data, including physical characteristics or descriptions, video recordings, and photos
  • Protected Classifications and Other Personal Characteristics, including military or veteran status
  • Inferences from Other Data, including inferences created from other personal information collected
  • Custom Data, including signature
  • Protected Classifications and Other Personal Characteristics, including age and military or veteran status

Browser Cookies

We use cookies to create a better experience for you on our site. For example, cookies prevent you from having to login repeatedly, and they help us remember items you've added to your cart. We also use third-party cookies, which are cookies placed by third parties for advertising and analytics purposes. You can control these cookies through your browser settings.

Information from other sources

We may collect personal information about you from third-party sources, including Ad Networks.

The categories of information we may collect include:

Ad Networks

  • Personal Identifiers, including Name and Email address

How long we keep your data

We do not retain data for any longer than is necessary for the purposes described in this Policy. We will keep your Personal Information while you have an account with us or while we are providing products to you. Thereafter, we will keep your Personal Information for as long as is necessary:• To respond to any questions, complaints or claims made by you or on your behalf;• To maintain a record of your transactions for reporting purposes until this purpose no longer exists;• To show that we treated you fairly; or• To keep records required by law and as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.We will not retain your Personal Information for longer than necessary for the purposes set out in this policy. Different retention periods apply for different types of Personal Information. For regulatory compliance purposes, we will keep the categories of Personal Information identified in the Section titled “What Personal Information do we collect and how is it collected?”, above, for a maximum of 7 years.When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your Personal Information, we will either delete or anonymize such information, or, if this is not possible (for example, because your Personal Information has been stored in backup archives), then we will securely store your Personal Information and isolate it from any further processing until deletion is possible.

We generally retain data according to the guidelines below.

Type of DataRetention Period
Cookies and online data we collect while you use our website, including Online Identifiers, Internet Activity, Precise geolocation We delete or anonymize data concerning your use of our website within 20 years of collecting it.
Data we collect in order to process and ship orders you place with us, including Name, Email address, Postal address, Telephone number, Military ID number, Purchases, Credit or debit card number, Age, SignatureWe keep personal information related to products and services you purchase for as long as the personal data is required for us to fulfill our contract with you, and for 20 years from your last purchase with us. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you contact us for customer support and other inquiries, including Inferences created from other personal information collected We keep customer feedback and correspondence with our customer service for up to 20 years to help us respond to any questions or complaints. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form.
Data we collect when you sign up for promotional and marketing communications, including Name, Email address, Military or veteran status, Inferences created from other personal information collected Where you have signed up to receive promotional and marketing communications from us, we will retain any data collected until you opt out or request its deletion. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form. We will further retain a record of any opt-outs in order to prevent sending you future communications.
Data we collect when you review our products, answer surveys, or send feedback, including Physical characteristics or descriptions, Photos, Video recordings, Inferences created from other personal information collected We retain review, survey, and feedback data for up to 20 years following your last contact with us. We may keep data beyond this period in anonymized form to help improve our products and services.
Data we collect in connection with privacy requests, including Physical characteristics or descriptions, Inferences created from other personal information collectedWe retain records related to privacy requests for a minimum of 24 months following the completion of the request.
Data we collect for security purposes, including Name, Email addressWe retain security-related data as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations and to maintain and improve our information security measures.

Why we process your information

We process personal information for the following business and commercial purposes:

  • Conducting Surveys
  • Creating Customer Profiles
  • Data Storage
  • Fulfilling Customer Orders
  • Improving our Products & Services
  • Internal Business Operations
  • Operating our Website or Mobile Apps
  • Organizing & Managing Data
  • Providing Customer Support
  • Sending Promotional Communications
  • Tracking Purchases & Customer Data

We may disclose personal information about you for business and commercial purposes when you purchase our products or visit our website:

Personal Information CategoryCategories of Service ProvidersCategories of Third Parties
Personal IdentifiersBusiness Operations Tool, Collaboration & Productivity Tools, Commerce Software Tools, Customer Support Tools, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Web Hosting ServicesAd Networks, Business Operations Tool, Commerce Software Tools, Affiliates, Data Analytics Providers, Fraud Prevention Tools, and Marketing Partner
Internet ActivityCommerce Software Tools, Sales & Marketing Tools, Business Operations Tool, and Web Hosting ServicesAd Networks, Affiliates, Commerce Software Tools, Data Analytics Providers, Fraud Prevention Tools, and Marketing Partner
Commercial InformationBusiness Operations Tool, Collaboration & Productivity Tools, Commerce Software Tools, Customer Support Tools, and Sales & Marketing ToolsAd Networks and Payment Processors
Financial InformationBusiness Operations Tool, Collaboration & Productivity Tools, Commerce Software Tools, Customer Support Tools, Governance, Risk & Compliance Software, Sales & Marketing Tools, and Web Hosting ServicesAd Networks, Payment Processors, Data Analytics Providers, and Marketing Partner
Location InformationSales & Marketing Tools and NoneNone and Marketing Partner
Physical and Audio DataCustomer Support ToolsNone
Protected Classifications and Other Personal CharacteristicsCustomer Support ToolsNone and Fraud Prevention Tools
Custom DataBusiness Operations Tool, Collaboration & Productivity Tools, Commerce Software Tools, Customer Support Tools, and Sales & Marketing ToolsAd Networks and Payment Processors

This section provides additional information for people in the European Economic Area (EEA) or United Kingdom (UK). The terms used in this section have the same meaning as in the General Data Protection Regulation and the UK Data Protection Act (GDPR). The term “personal information” as used in this notice has the same meaning as “personal data” in the GDPR.

Collection and Disclosure of Personal Data

The personal data we collect and how we share it is described above in our Privacy Policy.

We may disclose your personal information to the following third party controllers for business purposes:Ian Sabbag LLC, Gorgias, Retention Science, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Customer Reviews, GoDaddy Hosting, Today's Business, Narvar, Returnly, Apple Pay, PayPal - Pay with PayPal, Venmo, Pay Later, Google Pay. To understand how these parties handle your data, please refer to their respectiveprivacy policies.

Cookie Notice

We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to allow us and third parties to personalize the marketing content you see on other websites and social media. Website visitors from European Privacy Law regions can control cookie settings. Manage your region specific consent settings here.

Essential Cookies

We use these cookies for things like security, logins, site errors, and processing payments. We can't turn these necessary cookies off, but you can control them in your browser.

Cookie NameProviderDuration
Analytics Cookies
We do not use cookies to collect data about how you use our site.
Personalization Cookies
We do not use cookies to personalize content for you.
Advertising Cookies
We do not use cookies for marketing or advertising purposes.

Lawful Bases and Legitimate Interests

We process personal data on the following lawful bases:

  • Complying with legal obligations
  • Fulfilling contracts
  • Consent
  • Legitimate interests

Where we process personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, we pursue the following interests: Data Storage, Fulfilling Customer Orders, Internal Business Operations, Providing Customer Support, Sending Promotional Communications, Organizing & Managing Data, Creating Customer Profiles, Improving our Products & Services, Operating our Website or Mobile Apps, Tracking Purchases & Customer Data, and Conducting Surveys.

International Data Transfers

We may send the personal data of individuals in the EEA/UK to third countries, including the United States, where it may be stored or processed, for example on our service providers’ cloud servers. When we transfer personal data, we rely either on Adequacy Decisions as adopted by the European Commission (EC) or the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) on the basis of Article 45 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and UK-US Data Bridge agreements, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) issued by the EC or International Data Transfer Agreements (IDTAs) approved by the ICO. Data protection authorities have determined that the SCCs and IDTAs provide sufficient safeguards to protect personal data transferred outside the EEA/UK. You may read more about international data transfer mechanisms at the following links:

Privacy Rights

Individuals in the EEA/UK have the following rights regarding their personal data.Make a Privacy Request by clicking here. Once you submit a request, we will verify your identity and process your request in most cases within 30 days.

Right to access. You have the right to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you.

Right of portability. You have the right to ask us to transfer your data to another party.

Right to rectification. You have the right to request that we rectify any incorrect information we have about you.

Right of erasure. You have the right to request that we erase (delete) any personal information we hold about you.

Right to withdraw consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time when we rely on your permission to process your personal data.

Right to object. You have the right to object to our use of data about you.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You have a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. For more information, you can visit theInformation Commissioner’s Office website at, or see a list of EU Data Protection Authorities at


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State & Liberty
